2011 No. 2

Display Method:
Fuzzy Classification of Trip Mode Based on Large Scale Location Data
ZHANG Dexin, LIU Xiaoming, SUN Liguang, LIU Jie, RAN Bin
2011, 29(2): 1-4. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.001
Abstract(469) PDF(0)
Method of Hub Station Passenger Flow Forecasting Based on ARMA Model
GU Yang, HAN Yin, FANG Xueli
2011, 29(2): 5-9. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.002
Abstract(530) PDF(1)
A Rough-Set-based Evaluation Method for Intelligent Transit Dispatching
MAO Lin, LI Wenquan
2011, 29(2): 10-12,18. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.003
Abstract(467) PDF(0)
Offset Optimization Model Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm
XU Shihong, LI Zhimin, DAI Gao, XUE Ping
2011, 29(2): 13-18. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.004
Abstract(492) PDF(0)
Bus Pre-signals Control Technology and Application at Urban Road Intersections
XU Xiaoxiao, BAO Lixia
2011, 29(2): 19-22. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.005
Abstract(452) PDF(0)
Planning Method of Tourist Traffic Guide Sign System
WU Yongyan, LIU Xiaoming, WEI Zhonghua, RONG Jian
2011, 29(2): 23-26,31. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.006
Abstract(514) PDF(0)
Road-network Grade Proportion for Marginal High-speed Railway Passenger Terminal Areas Based on Electron Cloud Model
LI Xing, GUO Xiucheng, MA Chao, RE Min
2011, 29(2): 27-31. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.007
Abstract(472) PDF(0)
Comprehensive Evaluation Model for Highway Maintenance Quality Based on Gray Theory
SONG Guosen, LU Jian, SHAO Jun
2011, 29(2): 32-35. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.008
Abstract(517) PDF(0)
A Model of Pedestrian Gap Selecting in Crosswalks at Unsignalized Intersections
ZHU Fangfang
2011, 29(2): 36-39,43. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.009
Abstract(537) PDF(0)
Efficiency of Parallel Channels Bus Station Based on Queuing Theory
HAN Baorui, WU Lan, LIU Jiping
2011, 29(2): 40-43. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.010
Abstract(250) PDF(1)
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Traffic and Environment on University Campus
ZHANG Wenfeng, ZHANG Ruihua, YE Liping
2011, 29(2): 44-47,58. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.011
Abstract(268) PDF(0)
A Background Modeling Method Based on Homomorphic Filtering
LIU Lingzhi, HUANG Huixian, XU Jianmin
2011, 29(2): 48-51. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.012
Abstract(332) PDF(0)
System of Evaluating Bus Rapid Transit Program Based on Simulation by Vissim
CHEN Yuanduo, XU Jianmin, ZHENG Shujian
2011, 29(2): 52-58. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.013
Abstract(290) PDF(1)
EMME Macro Development Design Aimed at Evaluation of the Citizen Road Net Planning
RAN Jiangyu, GUO Xiucheng, HE Ming, ZHU Wei
2011, 29(2): 59-62,68. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.014
Abstract(297) PDF(0)
Research-oriented Vehicle Driving Simulator Validation
ZHANG Xiang, CHEN Yuren
2011, 29(2): 63-68. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.015
Abstract(264) PDF(0)
Application of Computer Software to Precision Measurement in High-speed Rail
DAI Peixin
2011, 29(2): 107-111. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.025
Abstract(268) PDF(0)
Roadway Design Data Management and Table Production Based on Excel Programming
CHEN Jie, ZHANG Xin, CHENG Jianchuan
2011, 29(2): 112-116. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.026
Abstract(271) PDF(0)
Extracting Horizontal Alignment Based on Digital Image Processing
LIAO Ruoyu, CHEN Yuren
2011, 29(2): 117-120,129. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.027
Abstract(308) PDF(0)
Method for Road Information Extraction Based on LIDAR Technology
LIU Zhigang
2011, 29(2): 121-124. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.028
Abstract(258) PDF(0)
Application of Changzhou Comprehensive Transportation Model System to Elevated Road Planning
KONG Qingsheng, YU Bin
2011, 29(2): 125-129. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.029
Abstract(254) PDF(0)
Test Data Acquisition and Processing of a Piezo Film-based Vehicle Dynamic Weighing System
TAO Xiu, LIU Liyong, TAO Sheng
2011, 29(2): 130-132. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.030
Abstract(260) PDF(0)
Transportation Safety
Safety Evaluation of Freeway Weaving Section Based on Vehicle Gauge
DU Shengpin, LU Jian, MA Yongfeng, YI Lei
2011, 29(2): 69-72,78. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.016
Abstract(265) PDF(0)
Classification and Measurement of LOSS (Level of Service of Safety) of Freeway
ZHANG Jie, SUN Xiaoduan, HE Yulong, LIU Xiaoming
2011, 29(2): 73-78. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.017
Abstract(268) PDF(1)
Technology of Driving Simulator for Traffic Safety Education
GAO Yan, MIAO Xiaodong, YOU Zhidong, MA Sai
2011, 29(2): 79-82,87. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.018
Abstract(231) PDF(0)
Countermeasures for Road-safety Education of Preschool Children Based on Characteristic Traits Analysis
LI Junxian, PAN Xiaodong, YANG Zhen
2011, 29(2): 83-87. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.019
Abstract(321) PDF(0)
Lead Distance of Warning Signs on Through Highways in Towns and Villages
ZHANG Zhiqing, JIA Yan, ZHOU Haisheng, ZHOU Yuliang, WANG Guizeng
2011, 29(2): 88-91. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.020
Abstract(257) PDF(1)
Application of Cloud Theory in Freeway Safety Evaluation
YANG Yu, ZHOU Xiaohuan, SONG Shuli
2011, 29(2): 92-94,99. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.021
Abstract(236) PDF(0)
A Bi-level Programming Model for Hazardous Material Transportation Route Optimization Based on Generic Algorithm
CHU Qingzhong, LIU Yubing, WU Guojun
2011, 29(2): 95-99. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.022
Abstract(253) PDF(0)
Factors affecting the Traffic Safety around Elementary and Middle Schools and Their Countermeasures
CHENG Chuanwei, HAN Juan, SHEN Chenwei
2011, 29(2): 100-103,111. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.023
Abstract(293) PDF(2)
Application of Cox Regression Model in Traffic Incident Duration
KANG Guoxiang, FANG Shouen
2011, 29(2): 104-106. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.024
Abstract(283) PDF(0)
Review of Standardization in Road Weather Information System
XIAN Chenyang, CHEN Xumei, LIU Wenfeng, ZHANG Li, WANG Lin
2011, 29(2): 133-138. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.02.031
Abstract(267) PDF(0)